3 Top-Reviewed IT Managed Services Companies in Vermont in 2024
There are currently 16 IT Managed Services firms in Vermont listed on Clutch. We’ve collected 6 reviews of these Vermont companies, some posted as recently as 11/3/23.
However, to help you narrow your selection, we’ve picked 3 of the best IT Managed Services providers based on top ratings, and also included a mix of smaller and larger firms to cover a range of budgets.
To make it easier for you to compare providers, we’ve summarized all 6 reviews for these 3 companies into a single paragraph. We've also identified a few keywords that capture the most common sentiments, experience, and expertise all reviewers shared in their reviews of each company.
Below, we cover top Vermont IT Managed Services service providers including NPI Technology Management, Technology Consultants, Inc., and DominionTech Computer Services. At Clutch, our goal is to make it simpler for you to select one of the best IT Managed Services companies in Vermont out there in 2024!
NPI Technology Management
85 Green Mt. Dr., x
South Burlington, VT, United States
- Minimum Budget: $1,000.00
- Avg. Hourly Rate: $100 - $149
- Employees: 10 - 49
- Founded: 1988
- Quality Score: 5
- Schedule Score: 4.2
- Cybersecurity
- IT Strategy Consulting
Reviewers Frequently Mention:
Clutch Review Summary:
With 30 years of experience, the team has developed a strong understanding of user needs and provides tech recommendations accordingly. They facilitated a smooth transition to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic. The ongoing seven-year engagement has been characterized by reliability, accessibility, immediate issue resolution, and reduced time spent on IT matters. Effective communication and professionalism are key traits of their work.
Company Description:
Founded in 1988, and stating they have between 10 - 49 employees, NPI Technology Management is located at 85 Green Mt. Dr., x, South Burlington, VT 05403. They offer services for multiple industries including Business services, Dental, Financial services and more. NPI Technology Management offers expertise in Disaster Recovery, Managed Hosting Services, Network and other IT Managed Services capabilities. Their minimum project size is $1,000.00 and an hourly rate between $100 - $149, while maintaining an overall 5 star rating.
Technology Consultants, Inc.
589 Avenue D
Williston, VT, United States
- Minimum Budget: N/A
- Avg. Hourly Rate: $100 - $149
- Employees: 2 - 9
- Founded: 1986
- Quality Score: 5
- Schedule Score: 5
- Cloud Consulting
- Unified Communications Consulting
- Cybersecurity
Key Clients:
Vermont Bar Association, Kolvoord, Overton & WIlson and P.C., and Technology Consultants, Inc. overall rating is 5 stars.
Reviewers Frequently Mention:
Clutch Review Summary:
Technology Consultants, Inc. is highly praised for their understanding of the client's needs and their proactive approach in finding solutions. Their work has significantly improved the client's efficiency, allowing them to focus on their business. Clients appreciate the team's reliability, accessibility, and prompt communication in handling IT needs and concerns.
Company Description:
Founded in 1986, and stating they have between 2 - 9 employees, Technology Consultants, Inc. is located at 589 Avenue D, Williston, VT 05495. They offer services for multiple industries including Dental, Financial services, Government and more., while maintaining an overall 5 star rating.
DominionTech Computer Services
186 Allen Brook Lane
Williston, VT, United States
- Minimum Budget: N/A
- Avg. Hourly Rate: N/A
- Employees: 10 - 49
- Founded: 2001
- Quality Score: 4.8
- Schedule Score: 5
- Cloud Consulting
- Cybersecurity
- IT Strategy Consulting
Reviewers Frequently Mention:
Clutch Review Summary:
DominionTech Computer Services has provided excellent customer service and personalized support, resolving IT issues and ensuring good data and security for the client. The team has been highly responsive, effectively communicating via various channels and tracking costs efficiently. Their long-term partnership and understanding of the client's business have led to effective decision-making and overall satisfaction.
Company Description:
Founded in 2001, and stating they have between 10 - 49 employees, DominionTech Computer Services is located at 186 Allen Brook Lane , Williston, VT 05495. They offer services for multiple industries including Advertising & marketing, Business services, Government and more. DominionTech Computer Services offers expertise in Disaster Recovery, AWS Cloud Consulting & Implementation, Managed Hosting Services and other IT Managed Services capabilities, while maintaining an overall 4.8 star rating.