7 Top-Reviewed Social Media Marketing Companies in Oriental Republic of Uruguay 2024
On the main pages of Clutch we have listings for 94 Social Media Marketing firms located in Oriental Republic of Uruguay. Between all of those Social Media Marketing companies, we have collected over 42 reviews and ratings posted as recently as 7/19/24.
But we'd like to make it easier for you! In order to simplify your process, we’ve narrowed your search down to display the top 7 Social Media Marketing providers in Oriental Republic of Uruguay based on their ratings, but also with an eye on including a mix of smaller and larger firms in order to display options to fit a range of budgets, from small to larger.
To help you compare providers more easily, we've taken all 42 reviews for these 7 companies and summarized them into a single paragraph. We've also posted a set of terms that outlines reviewer's overall sentiments, experience, and even the expertise they most talked about in their reviews of each company listed below.
According to our reviewers, some of the best Oriental Republic of Uruguay Social Media Marketing companies are Wasabi Digital, Pymbú, Om Lab, Markenetics, Conecta361 - Digital Marketing, Sud Creative, and PIC | Walk With You Marketing. Read on, and we’re certain you find these are some of the top software companies in Oriental Republic of Uruguay today!
Wasabi Digital
Obligado 1384
Montevideo, Uruguay
- Minimum Budget: $1,000.00
- Avg. Hourly Rate: $25 - $49
- Employees: 10 - 49
- Founded: 2010
- Quality Score: 4.8
- Schedule Score: 4.7
- Branding
- Digital Strategy
- Event Marketing
- Graphic Design
- Media Planning
- Search Engine Optimization
Key Clients:
Hoy Te Quiero and SUCAN, and Wasabi Digital overall rating is 4.7 stars.
Reviewers Frequently Mention:
Clutch Review Summary:
Wasabi has been successful in helping clients increase their online presence, social media followers, and customer satisfaction. They are praised for their efficient and flexible communication, and their ability to deliver significant increases in inquiries and web sales. The team's work quality, responsiveness, and understanding of client needs have resulted in continuous growth and high satisfaction.
Company Description:
Founded in 2010, and stating they have between 10 - 49 employees, Wasabi Digital is located at Obligado 1384, Montevideo 11300. They offer services for multiple industries including Arts, entertainment & music, Business services, Consumer products & services and more. Wasabi Digital offers expertise in Twitter Advertising, Product branding, Business Card Design and other Social Media Marketing capabilities. Their minimum project size is $1,000.00 and an hourly rate between $25 - $49, while maintaining an overall 4.7 star rating.
Ciudad de la Costa
Canelones, Uruguay
- Minimum Budget: N/A
- Avg. Hourly Rate: $50 - $99
- Employees: 2 - 9
- Founded: 2020
- Quality Score: 5
- Schedule Score: 5
- Ecommerce Web Development
Key Clients:
Aroa Estética, CarolinaB Dance Wear, CelHouse Uy, Delcar Enxebre and 7 more, and Pymbú overall rating is 5 stars.
Reviewers Frequently Mention:
Clutch Review Summary:
Pymes En Línea has shown exceptional performance in doubling or tripling sales for their clients and achieving over 100 consultations per month. Clients have praised their outstanding human quality, customer-centric approach, and consistent communication. Their responsive process, customer service, and digital marketing efforts have led to improved positioning on search engine results and increased social media following and engagement. Overall, Pymes En Línea has been successful in delivering user-friendly websites, managing sales, and converting potential customers.
Company Description:
Founded in 2020, and stating they have between 2 - 9 employees, Pymbú is located at Ciudad de la Costa, Canelones 15000. They offer services for multiple industries including Business services, eCommerce, Medical and more. Pymbú offers expertise in WordPress CMS WooCommerce and other Social Media Marketing capabilities, while maintaining an overall 5 star rating.
Om Lab
Wilson Ferreira Aldunate 1342 apt 202
Montevideo, Uruguay
- Minimum Budget: $1,000.00
- Avg. Hourly Rate: $50 - $99
- Employees: 2 - 9
- Founded: 2020
- Quality Score: 5
- Schedule Score: 5
- Custom Software Development
- Conversion Optimization
- Digital Strategy
- Ecommerce Web Development
- Search Engine Optimization
Key Clients:
ANOOK ATHLETICS, GEORGETTE PACKAGING, LOOKBOOK shopping, LUCCHESES Bootmaker REELZ and 1 more, and Om Lab overall rating is 5 stars.
Reviewers Frequently Mention:
Clutch Review Summary:
Om Lab has effectively resolved issues with clients' Shopify sites, meeting expectations and receiving positive feedback on the professional, custom look of the websites. They have managed projects well, with a transparent process and advantageous pricing structure. The team's web development expertise has led to increased website traffic, positive external feedback, and improved metrics, including revenue. Clients have praised their effective communication, responsiveness, and willingness to face challenges.
Company Description:
Founded in 2020, and stating they have between 2 - 9 employees, Om Lab is located at Wilson Ferreira Aldunate 1342 apt 202, Montevideo 11100. They offer services for multiple industries including Arts, entertainment & music, Automotive, Business services and more. Om Lab offers expertise in Drupal, YouTube Influencer Marketing, LinkedIn Advertising and other Social Media Marketing capabilities. Their minimum project size is $1,000.00 and an hourly rate between $50 - $99, while maintaining an overall 5 star rating.
Av. 8 de Octubre 2355 of. 901
Montevideo, MO, Uruguay
- Minimum Budget: $1,000.00
- Avg. Hourly Rate: $25 - $49
- Employees: 2 - 9
- Founded: 2012
- Quality Score: 5
- Schedule Score: 4.2
- Ecommerce Web Development
- Email Marketing
- Web Design
- Web Development
Key Clients:
Club Náutico, Cuti, Dreghal, G4S Ministry of Design and 1 more, and Markenetics overall rating is 5 stars.
Reviewers Frequently Mention:
Clutch Review Summary:
Markenetics has helped clients demonstrate their innovative brand identity and achieve expectations, with remarkable timeliness. Stronger social media marketing efforts would benefit productive engagement. The team demonstrates a high level of professionalism, offering advice and solving problems, resulting in a comfortable working relationship.
Company Description:
Founded in 2012, and stating they have between 2 - 9 employees, Markenetics is located at Av. 8 de Octubre 2355 of. 901 , Montevideo, MO 11600. They offer services for multiple industries including Business services, Dental, eCommerce and more. Markenetics offers expertise in Drupal, LinkedIn Advertising, WordPress CMS and other Social Media Marketing capabilities. Their minimum project size is $1,000.00 and an hourly rate between $25 - $49, while maintaining an overall 5 star rating.
Conecta361 - Digital Marketing
Juan Carlos Gomez 1518 Apt. 403
Montevideo, Uruguay
- Minimum Budget: N/A
- Avg. Hourly Rate: N/A
- Employees: 2 - 9
- Founded:
- Quality Score: 5
- Schedule Score: 5
- Digital Strategy
- Ecommerce Web Development
- Email Marketing
#5 - Conecta361 - Digital MarketingLEARN MORE ABOUT CONECTA361 - DIGITAL MARKETING...
Reviewers Frequently Mention:
Clutch Review Summary:
Conecta 361 has demonstrated efficient delivery of online orders, leading to significant customer engagement. Their communicative and responsive approach has facilitated a friendly relationship between teams, resulting in a 15%-16% improvement in sales. The team's efforts have also translated requirements into satisfactory products, showcasing their commitment to efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Company Description:
Founded in , and stating they have between 2 - 9 employees, Conecta361 - Digital Marketing is located at Juan Carlos Gomez 1518 Apt. 403 , Montevideo 11000. Conecta361 - Digital Marketing offers expertise in Twitter Advertising, YouTube Advertising, LinkedIn Advertising and other Social Media Marketing capabilities, while maintaining an overall 5 star rating.
Sud Creative
Héctor Gutiérrez Ruiz 1173, 201
Montevideo, Uruguay
- Minimum Budget: N/A
- Avg. Hourly Rate: $25 - $49
- Employees: 2 - 9
- Founded: 2019
- Quality Score: 4.7
- Schedule Score: 5
- Content Marketing
- Marketing Strategy
Key Clients:
FlexSmart, Remotes, Computer Geeks on Call, Crowd Escape CustomGPT and 2 more, and Sud Creative overall rating is 4.8 stars.
Reviewers Frequently Mention:
Clutch Review Summary:
Sud Creative's efforts led to a significant increase in the client's number of followers. The team's highly effective workflow and consistent communication through chat and weekly meetings were impressive. They were transparent, trustworthy, and reliable partners, meeting deadlines and delivering work that impressed the client's team.
Company Description:
Founded in 2019, and stating they have between 2 - 9 employees, Sud Creative is located at Héctor Gutiérrez Ruiz 1173, 201, Montevideo 11100. They offer services for multiple industries including eCommerce Information technology and more. Sud Creative offers expertise in LinkedIn Advertising, Facebook Advertising, Instagram Advertising and other Social Media Marketing capabilities, while maintaining an overall 4.8 star rating.
PIC | Walk With You Marketing
Bulevar General Artigas
Montevideo, PA, Uruguay
- Minimum Budget: $5,000.00
- Avg. Hourly Rate: $100 - $149
- Employees: 10 - 49
- Founded: 2001
- Quality Score: 5
- Schedule Score: 5
- Content Marketing
- Digital Strategy
- Search Engine Optimization
Key Clients:
AccuWeather For Business, DojoNetworks, Mountaineer World, R.J. Hedges & Associates Clean Water Kenya and 3 more, and PIC | Walk With You Marketing overall rating is 5 stars.
Reviewers Frequently Mention:
Clutch Review Summary:
Pittsburgh Internet Consulting has successfully improved SEO, organic search visibility, and keyword rank, leading to increased website traffic. Their professional, transparent, and proactive approach has been noted by clients.
Company Description:
Founded in 2001, and stating they have between 10 - 49 employees, PIC | Walk With You Marketing is located at Bulevar General Artigas, Montevideo, PA 11800. They offer services for multiple industries including Business services, Consumer products & services, Financial services and more.. Their minimum project size is $5,000.00 and an hourly rate between $100 - $149, while maintaining an overall 5 star rating.