3 Top-Reviewed Event Marketing Companies in Poland 2024
On the main pages of Clutch we have listings for 25 Event Marketing firms located in Poland. Between all of those Event Marketing companies, we have collected over 9 reviews and ratings posted as recently as 3/18/22.
But we'd like to make it easier for you! In order to simplify your process, we’ve narrowed your search down to display the top 3 Event Marketing providers in Poland based on their ratings, but also with an eye on including a mix of smaller and larger firms in order to display options to fit a range of budgets, from small to larger.
To help you compare providers more easily, we've taken all 9 reviews for these 3 companies and summarized them into a single paragraph. We've also posted a set of terms that outlines reviewer's overall sentiments, experience, and even the expertise they most talked about in their reviews of each company listed below.
According to our reviewers, some of the best Poland Event Marketing companies are Selectivv, PiRebels, and Net Complex. Read on, and we’re certain you find these are some of the top software companies in Poland today!
Zwycięzców 2
Warszawa, MZ, Poland
- Minimum Budget: $5,000.00
- Avg. Hourly Rate: $25 - $49
- Employees: 10 - 49
- Founded: 2014
- Quality Score: 5
- Schedule Score: 5
- Advertising
- Conversion Optimization
- Mobile marketing
- Search Engine Optimization
Reviewers Frequently Mention:
Clutch Review Summary:
Selectivv successfully reached the target audience and increased traffic without losing clients. Their campaign led to a significant increase in brand sales and overall traffic and engagement from mobile. The team's effective response and constant management impressed, and they maintained an effective workflow throughout the projects.
Company Description:
Founded in 2014, and stating they have between 10 - 49 employees, Selectivv is located at Zwycięzców 2, Warszawa, MZ 03-942. They offer services for multiple industries including Advertising & marketing, Arts, entertainment & music, Automotive and more. Selectivv offers expertise in Content development, Link earning & development, Local search and other Event Marketing capabilities. Their minimum project size is $5,000.00 and an hourly rate between $25 - $49, while maintaining an overall 5 star rating.
Ogrodowa 58
Warszawa, Poland
- Minimum Budget: $1,000.00
- Avg. Hourly Rate: $25 - $49
- Employees: 2 - 9
- Founded: 2021
- Quality Score: 5
- Schedule Score: 5
- Advertising
- Content Marketing
- Conversion Optimization
- Digital Strategy
- Email Marketing
Key Clients:
Decsoft, and PiRebels overall rating is 5 stars.
Reviewers Frequently Mention:
Clutch Review Summary:
PiRebels has been successful in converting leads to paying customers with their highest conversion rate at 31.59%. Within 3 months, the client also built a contact base of 386 leads. The client appreciates the team's exceptional communication skills and cybersecurity knowledge.
Company Description:
Founded in 2021, and stating they have between 2 - 9 employees, PiRebels is located at Ogrodowa 58, Warszawa 00-876. They offer services for multiple industries including Business services Information technology and more. PiRebels offers expertise in Content development, Link earning & development, Local search and other Event Marketing capabilities. Their minimum project size is $1,000.00 and an hourly rate between $25 - $49, while maintaining an overall 5 star rating.
Net Complex
Księdza Biskupa Herberta Bednorza 1/26
Katowice, Poland
- Minimum Budget: $1,000.00
- Avg. Hourly Rate: $25 - $49
- Employees: 10 - 49
- Founded: 2005
- Quality Score: 5
- Schedule Score: 5
- IT Managed Services
- Cybersecurity
- IT Strategy Consulting
Key Clients:
Xopero Software, and Net Complex overall rating is 5 stars.
Reviewers Frequently Mention:
Clutch Review Summary:
Clients have been very satisfied with Net Complex's services, giving huge credit to the team for ensuring successful outcomes. They stand out in terms of punctuality, communication, and accountability, offering a professional partnership.
Company Description:
Founded in 2005, and stating they have between 10 - 49 employees, Net Complex is located at Księdza Biskupa Herberta Bednorza 1/26, Katowice 40-384. They offer services for multiple industries including Business services, Information technology, Other industries and more. Net Complex offers expertise in Managed Software Application & Solutions, Hardware, Help desk and other Event Marketing capabilities. Their minimum project size is $1,000.00 and an hourly rate between $25 - $49, while maintaining an overall 5 star rating.