3 Top-Reviewed Event Marketing Companies in or near Atlanta, GA in 2024
We have more than 136 of the best Event Marketing companies in Atlanta with 3 reviews listed on Clutch. To help you find top Event Marketing agencies in Atlanta quickly, we've selected 3 of the top Event Marketing providers based on their ratings and reviews posted as recently as 9/12/22. We've also included a mix of smaller and larger firms so we cover a range of budgets.
To make it easier for you to compare, we’ve created a single paragraph that summarizes all 3 reviews for these 3 companies. We have also extracted keywords that echo the sentiment, experience, and even the expertise most reviewers talked about in their reviews of each Event Marketing company.
According to people just like you, DuoDynamiks, The Sketch Effect, and Twofold Marketing are all considered some of the top Event Marketing companies in and nearby Atlanta in 2024. Read on...
3277 Buford Highway
Atlanta, GA, United States
- Minimum Budget: $1,000.00
- Avg. Hourly Rate: $50 - $99
- Employees: 2 - 9
- Founded: 2016
- Quality Score: 5
- Schedule Score: 5
- Branding
- Content Marketing
- Email Marketing
- Logo Design
- Marketing Strategy
Reviewers Frequently Mention:
Clutch Review Summary:
DuoDynamiks' expertise in PPC and email campaigns resulted in increased open and clickthrough rates for the client. Their effective project management led to decreased costs and improved conversion rates, along with a reduction in cost per impression.
Company Description:
Founded in 2016, and stating they have between 2 - 9 employees, DuoDynamiks is located at 3277 Buford Highway, Atlanta, GA 30329. They offer services for multiple industries including Advertising & marketing, Business services, Consumer products & services and more. DuoDynamiks offers expertise in Twitter Advertising, Product branding, Tradeshow Marketing and other Event Marketing capabilities. Their minimum project size is $1,000.00 and an hourly rate between $50 - $99, while maintaining an overall 5 star rating.
The Sketch Effect
1037 Monroe Dr NE
Atlanta, GA, United States
- Minimum Budget: $1,000.00
- Avg. Hourly Rate: $150 - $199
- Employees: 10 - 49
- Founded: 2013
- Quality Score: 5
- Schedule Score: 5
- Graphic Design
- Video Production
Key Clients:
Chick-fil-A and The Coca-Cola Company, and The Sketch Effect overall rating is 5 stars.
Reviewers Frequently Mention:
Clutch Review Summary:
The Sketch Effect impressed the client by encapsulating the fundraising campaign's ideas, amazing external stakeholders. They demonstrated a smooth workflow and real-time creativity, leaving a lasting impression on the client.
Company Description:
Founded in 2013, and stating they have between 10 - 49 employees, The Sketch Effect is located at 1037 Monroe Dr NE, Atlanta, GA 30306. They offer services for multiple industries including Arts, entertainment & music, Business services, Education and more. The Sketch Effect offers expertise in Whiteboard Animation, Postcard Design, Business Card Design and other Event Marketing capabilities. Their minimum project size is $1,000.00 and an hourly rate between $150 - $199, while maintaining an overall 5 star rating.
Twofold Marketing
3400 Chapel Hill Rd., #217
Douglasville, GA, United States
- Minimum Budget: $1,000.00
- Avg. Hourly Rate: $100 - $149
- Employees: 2 - 9
- Founded: 2018
- Quality Score: 5
- Schedule Score: 5
- Content Marketing
- Business Consulting
- Search Engine Optimization
- Web Design
Key Clients:
TTD Security and Workman Injury Law, and Twofold Marketing overall rating is 5 stars.
Reviewers Frequently Mention:
Clutch Review Summary:
Twofold Marketing has been commended for their positive impact on increasing traffic and improving platform speed. Clients have highlighted their timeliness, creativity, and supportive approach, along with their versatility in providing effective support.
Company Description:
Founded in 2018, and stating they have between 2 - 9 employees, Twofold Marketing is located at 3400 Chapel Hill Rd., #217, Douglasville, GA 30135. They offer services for multiple industries including Advertising & marketing, Legal, Medical and more. Twofold Marketing offers expertise in Ruby on Rails, Tradeshow Marketing, Nutshell and other Event Marketing capabilities. Their minimum project size is $1,000.00 and an hourly rate between $100 - $149, while maintaining an overall 5 star rating.