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Los Angeles Market Research

Scientific Telephone Samples (STS) is a leading provider of quality sampling services for marketing research and academic communities.  We offer a comprehensive array of sampling options including RDD landline, RDD wireless, Enhanced-Wireless™, listed/targeted, business-to-business, voter sample, phone appends and data enhancement.  Reduce your wireless data collection costs with Enhanced-Wireless™, an extremely productive wireless sample based upon a very large database of 125 million known wireless phones, complete with name/address.  Using Enhanced-Wireless™, wireless individuals can be targeted by age, income, gender, ethnicity, radius, block group, census tract, polygon, etc.  

  • Undisclosed
  • Undisclosed
  • 10 - 49
  • Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
  • Founded 1988

1 Locations

  • Rancho Santa Margarita , CA


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