REGULATE in Mexico
REGULATE Strategic Services in Health Regulation. Which is a company dedicated to the regulatory support of health supplies, cosmetics and food supplements. “We carry out an evaluation and analysis of the areas of opportunity of your organization and provide you with the technical and administrative tools necessary to comply with the applicable regulation.” We offer our services in the following activities: • Technical, administrative and regulatory advice; as well as the management of its procedures Sanitary Registries (Allopathic, Vitamin, Herbal and Medical Devices.) Including Arming and review of Records. Alphanumeric Code (Herbal Remedies) Notice of operation: Registration of Establishment, health and products manager. Import permits (Medicines, Medical Devices, Food, food supplements) Authorization to import toys Product Classification Queries Response Prevention • Training for technical and regulatory area of the industry: Pharmaceutical Medical Devices Cosmetics Food supplements
- Undisclosed
- Undisclosed
- 2 - 9
- Nezahualcóyotl, Mexico
- Founded 2015
1 Locations
- Nezahualcóyotl , Mexico
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Locations (1)

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