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Excellence in Excipients and API Manufacturing

Anmol Chemicals is a manufacturer supplier exporter of Pharmaceutical Excipients, Food Grade Chemicals and it offers materials as per IP BP EP Ph Eur USP NF JP FCC Food Grade as per the the latest monograph at best prices. Anmol Chemicals Group, established in 1976, is the pioneer manufacturer of Specialty Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Excipients, Some API, Food Chemicals in India. Anmol Chemicals Group has manufacturing facilities spread across Western India, representatives in Houston, Chicago USA and Dubai, UAE. We also have toll manufacturing units for processing chemicals in a few countries around the world. We make IP, BP, EP, USP, NF, Ph. Eur., JP, FCC or Food Grade, Analytical Reagent Grade, LR or Laboratory Reagent Grades and Pure Grades of various chemicals. All our items are analyzed to meet the required standards. We can supply the product in grams for your laboratory trial and in tons for your plant scale jobs.

  • Undisclosed
  • Undisclosed
  • 50 - 249
  • Mumbai, India
  • Founded 1967

1 Locations

  • Mumbai , India


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