Where every story matters
AA Studios is a multidisciplinary animation studio here to cater to your needs. Our team has a portfolio of over 1000+ animations. This includes a wide range of products from movies, tv series, commercials, social media posts and much much more! AA stands for Arts and Animation and we believe in delivering A+ content that makes an impact. At AA studios every story matters and that’s exactly why our focus is on delivering content that makes an impact. We go a step beyond just telling a story, with our animations we make sure that your voice is heard by your audience. We incorporate creativity and innovation every step of the way, that's our guarantee!
- $5,000+
- $150 - $199 / hr
- 10 - 49
- Karachi, Pakistan
- Founded 2018
1 Locations
- Karachi , Pakistan
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Locations (1)
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